
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcoming 2012.......

Emm macam2 le gak berlaku in year 2011....the current problem that is still ongoing...and the unforgettable incident that happened after raya 2011...memang tak sangka akan experience such problem....
anyway somehow....dah berjaya tempuh le 2011....can say berjaya ke?  ye lah terpaksa tempuh le kan.

So deep in my heart I really hope that 2012....will be my better year....better lah semuanya, myself will be better, my life will be better....
I know cakap nak menrealisasikan tu tak mudah...memerlukan kekuatan diri untuk lawan diri sendiri dan juga lawan obstacles yg dok sedia ada in my life ni....
emm....what else to say...just try my best then....good luck to myself.

so pada sesiapa yg membaca post ni, good luck to you too and hopefully 2012 will be a better year to yourself too.

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